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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Guess what? Gas is getting cheaper and cheaper everyday. $2.19 with your Walmart Card at the Villages. Awesome huh? Steven works night shift this next week, which means, I get to go home tomorrow morning and sleep. Tomorrow I'm going to the gym. I have decided to join Xtreme Fitness Gym in Leesburg. No more flab. Steven went jogging this afternoon, I should have gone with him. Everytime I even THINK about dieting, I gain one or two more pounds. Last week, after I called every gym in town to find out about child care, I found out about Xtreme Fitness. I got Jasmine dressed, determined to start a new healthy routine, as soon as I finished dressing her and getting her bag ready, my back spasm'd again. I thought it was very opportunistic of my body to give out on me just as I'm trying to get active. No biggie, I think I've rested enough. Jasmine is now 4 months old and I still haven't gotten active. I need energy. I am dragging all the time. Spending time in the computer blogging lol. With the new fall seasons starting, my Tivo is working over-time, and my rear end is numb from all the time sitting in front of the TV. Francisco's 28th birthday was yesterday. I finally got to calling him today on my way back from picking up Japanese food in Leesburg. He's in San Antonio taking a class. I can't wait to go visit him on October 16. Only Monday through Thursday but still awesome. Tonight, Desperate Housewives started. NOT IMPRESSED! Anyways, I can't wait til this week, new gym, Steven working nightshift, Jasmine's 4 month immunization appointment, Thursday's dentist appointment for my crown placement. Good times!

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