Annette left to Puerto Rico on Thursday, my first day of class, and Steven and I had so many days off in a row. On Friday, we decided to go get a kitten. We woke up with that mission in mind and we were not giving up until it was accomplished. We searched in the paper and in the internet and after visiting one home to no avail, the second one proved to be stinky but successful. We knocked on the door and the smell was almost as strong as the reaction. We were surprised to see dozens of cats and two dogs running around the cat pee soaked home. We chose the kitten and hawled ass. We named her Claire Fisher (from the character from Six Feet Under.) She's a red head, and that was the inspiration... When we walked into the house, Salsa went on a hissing fit and Vicky couldn't get enough of Claire. She sniffed her til her nose swolled up, literally... (We have the reaction on videotape, it's hilarious...) You can see more pictures of Claire at
Saturday came and went fairly uneventfully. Salsa is still not used to Claire so before we went out, we decided to lock him up in the Laundry room. We went to the theatre and decided to watch some movies. They were soo good. First, we watched War of the Worlds, which has been out for the longest time and we still hadn't seen it. After that, we sneaked in to see The 40-Year-Old Virgin. It was sooo funny. I never stopped laughing throughout the entire movie. The scene in which they were waxing him was the best part, or maybe when he's telling his friend to put a leash on his bitch, or maybe the part in which he is giving himself a hard time for saying that boobs felt like sand bags. It was just too much...

Saturday, we decided to go to mom's house and do a BBQ. We ended up cooking, serving, taking kids home (whom we didn't know but still ended up taking them home because mom didn't get there until the kids were gone and our bellies were full). As I was driving back, I realized that Steven was upset with me because I'd taken those boys home when it wasn't my responsability. I was afraid that he was going to say something to mom and when I got there, they were just acting like they were mad at each other just to see my reaction... NOT FUNNY!!! Anyways, we stayed there until late and watched the MTV Video Music Awards. I was rooting for My Chemical Romance's video "Helena" ( ) would sweep the awards but Green Day was the one who was chosen for almost all the things it was nominated for. Mom straightened my hair and I straightened hers

but not before Steven and I played a good game of Euchre against mom and Jose.

They thought the game was fun. I can't wait until November so Steven and I can take on his mom and dad. Bring it on Burketts!!! Before we left, I decided to check my email and I saw that Francisco and Elsita had taken Adriana to take some Pictures for her First Birthday. You can see the rest of them at

Monday morning, Vicky's nose looked a little better. We don't know what happenned to her but we drugged her up all night long with Benadryl and the swelling went down. After redoing my hair, Steven and I were on our way to get our pictures taken. We were very excited... We got there and the process was fairly painless, until they asked Steven to take his shoes off so he could look more relaxed and he refused. I convinced him of course, but he was very hesitant to do so because of his "big toe," whatever that means! Anyways, they are posted below in order of best to not so great. The one below was my favorite one!

This one is Steven's favorite. He likes how relaxed he looks, sitting in the floor!

Anyways, yesterday, Tuesday, August 30th, I went back to school and Steven went back to clinicals. He doesn't start school until this Friday. I found out about the beach house we'll be staying in when we go to Puerto Rico next month and Steven aprooved. I'm very excited. After school, I went for an interview at Sand Lake Hospital, part of the Orlando Regional Hospitals. I was given a twenty-five cent tour of the facility and from what it looks like, he liked me. Now, I have to go for a Peer-Interview, and then, Night-Shift here I come. I can't wait to get medical insurance... I wonder why?... Leave it to the imagination I guess... Annette came back from Puerto Rico yesterday and Steven and I picked her up at the airport and dropped her off at her apartment complex. We saw Naomi in her Karate uniform and she was as cute as always. Anyways, today I am working at LRMC and Loverico is with me, loving it... Hurricaine Katrina supposedly did a lot of damage in the Gulf Coast and especially in New Orleans. Looters are everywhere and even a police officer was shot in the head by looters but he is expected to recover. Today in the Orlando Sentinel, there was a story on the Florida teacher that wrote the very hateful letter against puertorricans a couple of weeks back. She was asked to resign as a teacher by the Board of Education. I called mom right away and celebrated... You can read the story yourself at
or in
For those of you who understand spanish and are reading this, this is what the letter actually said:
Estimado congresista,
Creo que debemos cerrar la puerta a todos los extranjeros hasta que nuestra economía y nuestras escuelas vuelvan a ser lo que eran antes. Como profesora por más de 28 años en el estado de la Florida, sé que los extranjeros son los principales consumidores del dinero de los contribuyentes.
Los extranjeros están llevándose todos los trabajos que los americanos pobres y con poca educación podrían tener. Mucha gente está siendo remunerada por debajo de la mesa y, por lo tanto, no están pagando los impuestos que les corresponden.
Las escuelas están enfrentando demasiados problemas que se originan en las diferencias de idioma y nuestros niños americanos, cuyos padres sí pagan impuestos, pierden mucho tiempo de enseñanza por esta razón.
Veo que el dinero se dirige a las entidades caritativas, a inmigrantes mexicanos, haitianos, y del Medio Oriente, en vez de que se dirija a los norteamericanos pobres.
La escuela donde enseño, Sadler Elementary, tiene un 92% de estudiantes puertorriqueños. Por favor considere cambiar las leyes para que esta gente no venga aquí y se quede en Puerto Rico. Ellos destruyen Orlando.
Estos niños puertorriqueños están retrasando académicamente a los estudiante norteamericanos. Y los maestros puertorriqueños siguen consiguiendo extensiones en sus certificados de enseñanza temporal, con lo cual se les permite continuar enseñando sin la capacitación debida.
Puedo decir, honestamente, que los maestros puertorriqueños de mi escuela me piden continuamente ayuda con matemáticas, porque su educación en Puerto Rico apenas llega al equivalente de un quinto grado en los Estados Unidos. Tampoco saben álgebra y se apoyan en el sistema para sobrevivir.
Encuentro que los niños haitianos son más agresivos en la clase y se nota que no han asistido a la escuela con regularidad previamente. Su pobre conducta es un serio problema.
En Winter Haven, un área donde se cultivan naranjas, los trabajadores son en su mayoría mexicanos y se llevan los trabajos que solían realizar los blancos y negros pobres. Muchos de estos mexicanos, según me dicen, también traen drogas y enfermedades incurables, como la tuberculosis.
Sé que la solución es difícil, pero otros países protegen sus fronteras y no permiten que los extranjeros se queden con los trabajos de sus ciudadanos.
Por favor, no permita que los criminales se queden en el país, y se apoderen de los empleos en la Florida.
Jan P. Hall
Alias (Bitch extraordinare)
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