Well, after a bit of planning on both our parts, the day is here. I woke up early that day, almost couldn't sleep. I rolled over on the bed at around 5am that day and I said to Steven: "I'm gonna be your wife today!" Cute way to start the day. I had some cereal and started cleaning up a bit What a useless task! Too much stuff all over the place. Not a bad thing though, considering most things were presents for the baby and me. I went to get a pedicure at around 8am, only to find out they didn't open til 9am, I waited for a bit til they saw me outside and they let me in 30 mins early. The vietnamese chick wouldn't shut up, and it was just toooooo early for that much conversation. I kept trying to dial people on my cell phone so she'd get the hint. Finally, after what seemed like a three hour pedicure, I was on to my next mission: HAIR. Frankly, I had no idea what I wanted my hair to look like. I was gonna leave it all up to my brilliant beautician. On my way to the beauty salon, I got a call from the "cake people." They told me the cake wouldn't be ready for pick up til 11:30am. Great!!!! Anyways, I went to the beauty salon and everyone was so excited for me. I got my eyebrows waxed, by hair straightened, feelin' good. I walked over to the bakery to pick up my cake at 11:30 and I waited approx 25 minutes for it. I was so aggravated and sweaty that I ended up with frizzy hair. When I got in my car finally, I looked at myself in the mirror and almost screamed. As I walked to my apartment, I was already looking like I was driving with the window down. My hair was a mess. Wilma was suntanning, Steven was taking a shower, and Roger came outside to carry the cake in. I sat down in the cluttered dining room and started to put on my make-up. As soon as I started doing my eyes, tears started flowing. It was 12:45, nobody was making any attempt to get ready, my mom wasn't there yet, and my hair looked aweful. I cried for about 10 minutes non-stop. When the tears stopped, I felt better. All these pregnancy hormones have me all emotional and unstable. I was totally overreacting. It was too early for everyone to be ready, mom wasn't supposed to be there til 1pm, and i fixed my hair with my straightening iron in a matter of seconds. Once I started putting on my make-up again, I started feeling preetier. There was only one thing that was gonna make me all irrational again: my shirt was on and I still needed to take a shower, surely I was gonna ruin my hair again when I took my shirt off, and my shower was gonna be a pain in the butt. No biggie, task accomplished. Once mom got there, I was all good. I focused less on me, and more on how she was gonna look, what earrings she would wear, pick out her make-up, you know, my usual routine when mom is getting dressed in my presence. Once everybody started getting dressed, I started to get dressed aswell. Wilma had fixed the shoulders on my dress and it was perfect. Everyone loved my dress. The shoes were a bit uncomfortable, but it's better than 6 inch heels. All in all, everything was turning out good. We left the house a bit late (2:25PM). The wedding was starting at 3pm. Mom and Steven still had to go to the restaurant to decorate a bit. When we got there, Francisco was already there with Lula and Wanda, and with abuela. They all thought I looked great. Francisco thought I looked like a hippie. I took it as a complement. After them, Dad, Abuelita and Junito got there. Junito and Dad went to the bar next door and ordered french fries. I wanted to kill them. But the hormones were leading my every move then. They were the last ones into the chapel. Once Steven and mom got back, the wedding was about to start. Annette was just leaving her house (she's puertorrican, like us), and Jose and his friend were L-O-S-T. Dad was so pissed off about it. Steven stood in front of the chapel acting like he hadn't seen me all day. When they opened the door and the "Here comes the Bride" song came on, I kind of regreted not doing the whole 'Not seeing each other all day' thing. I felt kind of stupid walking down the aisle by myself, but once I stood there in front it was all good. Everyone was taking soooo many pictures.

When Steven and I were finally declared husband and wife, we looked at each other like: "Are we supposed to walk out or what?" It was hilarious.
My mami cried, OF COURSE, but it was tears of joy. She knows we are so happy.

I love the way the room looked at Boston Lobster.

Everyone ate like kings!

Although one chapter was completed Tuesday, February 28, our story of being together begins. We will always remember and cherish our wedding day and the days we had with our family and friends and look forward to creating many more happy moments with everyone, and most importantly each other, as Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Burkett.

1 comment:
Que bella te ves, y que enamorados se ven!!! Espero que esa felicidad siempre los acompañe y que disfruten el uno del otro por todos los años que les quedan. Que panza tan bella!!!!!!!! Hermoso!
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