Another week has come and gone. My back made a big of a recovery, I must say! I am taking it easy, not working as much, and not walking at mach speeds whenever I am working. Steven's back had been hurting too. It seems my pregnancy has infected him. (Last week his back was not so good, AND, he's gained weight.) Haven't I mentioned how much I enjoy seeing him stress out everytime he weighs himself? Also, our wedding is coming up, and just recently I've discovered that some family members from Puerto Rico will be joining us in the celebration. I'm gonna need extra Tylenol and an ice bag for my head. So, proof that distance from family is key to keeping the pain under control.
This week has been cool. I recently found out that I was NOT so bad as a teenager. My little brother has TAKEN THE CAKE! The baby is moving, kicking, twirling, dancing, I don't know what. Wow!!! I can't believe it. There's a baby in there! Time flies by. I can't believe I'm 6 MONTHS PREGNANT. I am so excited for us, for the future.
Steven and I have been watching a Lamaze class DVD we bought on ebay. Its preetty funny and educational. Man, did the photos shown ever put the bladder problem into perspective! You should really see the size of the bladder once the uterus has expanded; it becomes so much smaller and then the baby just sits right on it! Another interesting thing to see is the stomach. Because the uterus is expanding upward, also, it is pushing the stomach into a smaller, tighter space. No wonder I am full after half sized meal! Then, if you are like me, wondering why you feel so full for so long, like your food is just sitting there not leaving your stomach, it's because your intestinal tract has been transformed into some weird, bunched up version of itself. The food has a really rough journey ahead of itself once it leaves the stomach! Can you tell I was fascinated?!
We need you out of me Jasmine! HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!
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